Are Burmese Pythons Legal in Georgia

Forget about keeping any type of crocodile species as a Georgian pet. These include alligators, caimans and crocodiles. Any type of non-native venomous snake is prohibited as a pet, such as vipers or vipers, but also non-venomous native snakes. Gila monsters, giant toads and gopher turtles are just some of the species that can be kept illegally at the national level. Ball pythons are also allowed in Georgia. This is because they are not native species. Only non-toxic native species are protected, while non-toxic alien species are legal to possess. You will need to obtain a permit if you want to own one of these species. The six exceptions listed above are legal to catch and possess without permission. However, the daily pocket limit (the amount you can catch at a time) is 2. The possession of some species of snakes is restricted, as the release of these snakes could damage the local habitat and disrupt the food chain. But ball pythons will not survive in the United States or be able to breed in the wild.

In Hawaii, it is illegal to own a pet snake of any kind, and there is no permit for any reason. Hawaii has no native snakes. Few people own snakes compared to other types of pets. By far, the most important thing you need to know is whether it is legal to own a snake and whether you need a permit to own snakes. Under Georgian law, it is illegal to keep wild animals and some exotic animals as pets in the fishing state. While you probably won`t be surprised that it`s illegal to keep a rhino or bat as a pet, you may not know that species that are welcome as pets in other states must stay out of Georgia. If you end up with an illegal pet, contact a rescue service operating in the state. You will have to abandon your pet, but you may not be charged, which can lead to significant fines and even jail time. Whatever you do, don`t just throw the animal away. Which reptiles are illegal in Georgia? Since there are about 3000 different species of snakes in the world, not to mention all turtles and crocodiles, we will not list them all here. But I`ll try to break it down for you as simply as possible.

In Georgia, venomous snakes that are NOT native to this state are illegal (i.e. western diamond-backed rattlesnakes, mambas, Gabon vipers, cobras, etc.). Non-toxic (harmless) snakes originating in Georgia are illegal. (Click here to see a list of non-venomous snakes from Georgia.) All species of crocodiles, including alligators, crocodiles and caimans, are illegal in Georgia. Can I hand over illegal reptiles that are dangerous and potentially deadly? Yes! If you have illegal alloy animals, crocodiles, caimans, cobras, rattlesnakes, gopher turtles, indigo snakes or a reptile that you know you shouldn`t have, you can hand it over to us without fear of being sued! We are concerned about the safety of the citizens of Georgia and the preservation of a healthy natural environment in our state. If you or someone you know has an illegal reptile and decides to hand it over to us, that in itself does not guarantee that they will not be prosecuted. On several occasions, georgia`s Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service have ongoing investigations into the illegal animal trade. But rest assured, we will not extradite anyone who sincerely tries to do the right thing and abandon an illegal animal. You don`t need a license to own a ball python. Just like corn snakes, ball pythons are too short and thin to pose a danger to their owners. Nor do they pose an ecological threat.

The law determines the scope and requirements of the licence. They indicate that the import, export, transportation, possession or disposal of regulated species without a permit is illegal. Example of a phone message: I reject the proposal to ban Burmese pythons and Black and White Argentine Tegus as responsible pet owners in Georgia. I call on the GDNR to create a settlement with responsible reptile keepers instead. Have a nice day. Virtual public hearing: September 13, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. Instructions and the link can be found under My love for snakes began when I was a child. Even though I didn`t know much about them, I was fascinated! As I got older and gained more knowledge, I persuaded my parents to allow me a pet snake.

I started with a garter snake and a black rat snake. Later, I found myself with a few boa constrictors that were given to me by a couple who were bored with them. This passion for snakes that I had as a child turned into what is now Southeastern Reptile Rescue. After several years of dealing with boring, unwanted and/or neglected reptiles, I realized how many people have snakes that probably shouldn`t. The majority of people I meet keep their animals as they should and have the right breeding techniques. But there is a small minority of reptile enthusiasts who give other reptile owners a very bad reputation. Private reptile owners who do not regularly deal with the public about snakes and snake rescue may find it difficult to understand why someone would want to ban certain reptiles. I know I did. But after finding red-tailed boas in parking lots, reticulated pythons in barns, ball pythons in flower gardens, Burmese pythons crossing the street, and four feet of monitor lizards under storage sheds, I see where the reptile-hating world comes from. I definitely approve of private property. I want children, as I was, to be able to have a snake or a pet lizard.

This is one of the reasons why I do hundreds of hours of public education about reptiles every year. The problem with private ownership of reptiles in Georgia is the owners of private reptiles themselves. Those of us who are responsible guardians must spend our time educating everyone around us, especially newcomers in the crowd of amateurs. Every time a snake escapes from the garage of its incompetent owner, it creates more fear of an already hated animal that brings us closer to the restricted legislation for reptiles. If reptile breeders, dealers, and pet store owners asked simple questions and used a little common sense before selling a 24-inch Burmese python to a fourteen-year-old, many of these problems would be easy to avoid. Many people who love snakes spend countless hours figuring out how to make money from what they love. This often makes them reptile merchants who work overtime to sell each snake to anyone who has enough money to keep them in business. This is exactly what can eventually eliminate the private ownership of reptiles. I was recently contacted by WSB Channel 2, a news station in Atlanta. They said they were going to make a story about illegal reptiles and wanted to know if they could interview me. I was very hesitant at first and even consulted a few well-known reptile experts for whom I have a lot of respect.

As one of them said, “Jason, if you don`t help them with their story, someone else will. This person can do more harm than good,” I decided to continue the interview. The journalist and film crew arrived at our residence where we took them to our reptile building. They wanted to see all the snakes that had been illegally detained by the people of Georgia and that had been handed over to us either by the state or by the owners. I showed several snakes and was asked several questions focused on private property and current reptile laws in Georgia, which I tried to answer as best I could. Once the interview and filming were complete, the reporter said she planned to order a few snakes to document the process and wanted to know if the snakes could be handed over to our organization once filming was complete. She said they were planning to order a Gabon viper and an anaconda, which they did and now live comfortably in our facility. The Gabon viper is of course illegal to possess in Georgia, without us having the appropriate permits.

Anaconda is legal and can be owned without restrictions – for now. I hope this will be a wake-up call for all reptile owners in Georgia and other states. We need to stop focusing on making money and focus on the animals we fell in love with! The Department of Natural Resources of Georgia (GDNR) has proposed new regulations that affect the owners of many animal species. Read the full proposal with the amendments to the current regulations highlighted by the NRM at We have some excerpts below. The entire PDF is not a new regulation (changes to the current law are highlighted). View a slide presentation on To hand over an illegal reptile, you can call Jason Clark of Southeastern Reptile Rescue at 404-557-2470. Or you can email Jason at Letters can be sent to Southeastern Reptile Rescue c/o “Georgia Illegal Reptile Amnesty Program”P.O. Box 127 Orchard Hill, GA 30266 Please indicate the type, size and moderation of each reptile to assist us in handling and hosting. If you do not wish to return your illegal animal to us or if you have any questions about our sincerity or legitimacy, you can contact the Special Permits Unit of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Georgia directly at 770-761-3045.

Venomous snakes (rattlesnakes, copper heads, coral snakes, water moccasins, etc.) usually require a permit. No license is required for non-venomous snakes (ball pythons, corn snakes, royal snakes, pink boas, milk snakes, boa constrictors, etc.). However, the state of Georgia restricts the possession of many non-venomous snakes, and you cannot own pet snakes in Hawaii.