Doterra Compliance Rules

If you`re new to doTERRA, you probably haven`t heard of compliance. If so, you may have questions about it. The compliance team ensures that members are informed of the doTERRA policy manual and operational processes and procedures. The compliance team communicates with doTERRA members around the world to responsibly train and empower members to share and grow their business. Discover Solutions Discover Solutions is another fabulous resource. It is part of the doTERRA website dedicated exclusively to product training. On Discover Solutions, you`ll find educational pages on specific essential oils, as well as general wellness topics such as sleep, children, exercise, toxic blood pressure, and personal hygiene. Discover Solutions can be found on “Discover” > “Product Education” > “Discover Solutions”. Useful articles can also be found on the doTERRA blog. When I moderate a webinar, can I direct attendees to a website to purchase a specific kit? Yes. Redirect them to your company`s website In accordance with Doterra`s compliance rules, we cannot link Doterra`s pages to a personal website.

Just wondering how to comply with your link below if you want to join Doterra and access your personal page? “This illustration is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as an income guarantee. Success in this business requires hard work, dedication and sales skills. For more information, see doTERRA`s income statement under Your business link can be shared on social media or personal websites. All of this sounds good. I believe the only rules for Pinterest are that you don`t use the doTERRA name or any of their brands in your username and everything you pin and lead to it has to be compliant. Product Information Pages A great way to find out what claims you can make on certain products is to use the Product Information Page (PIP). For each doTERRA product, there is a PIP, which can be easily found at the bottom left of the corresponding product page on (via a link).

Each PIP has a list of the main benefits. If you want to know what you can discuss about a particular product, read the PIP. What is my doTERRA ( company site? How do I set it up? Their free business website allows you to manage your online orders, market your business to others (link generator), and visualize your team`s monthly growth and progress. Visit to sign up for your free account. There, you can activate your page and find your personal shopping experience – as well as your desktop settings, which include your personal dashboard. your team`s information, statistics and resources; Your “My Desktop” settings; and wellness advocate services. If you would like to know how to apply as a doTERRA certified website and all the rules, please read this article. What happens if the successor is already a member of doTERRA? In this case, the member must choose the account he wishes to keep and make all the necessary transfers. The account they do not hold must be eliminated by an account transfer or account suspension. For more information, visit the Investment Support Center at or contact Investments for an exception on If you`re feeling a little overwhelmed right now, that`s fine.

It`s normal to experience a learning curve in compliance. Fortunately, there are several resources available to help you! With time and practice, you will find that it becomes a no-brainer for you to stay compliant. Thanks, this post was helpful!. I`m still trying to figure out the rules for pinning on Pinterest. I have a board where I collected pins on essential oils. Not all pins are doTERRA. Does it matter? I want to link the information at the top of my preview page to my personal doTERRA page, as I think it`s a good resource. What I`ve pinned so far is not content written by me, but I plan to have my own content and a compliant branding. I hope some of that makes sense.

Thank you very much! Can I create my own sales material? Yes, you can also use doTERRA product images on sales aids with the company`s permission. Whenever you publish doTERRA documents, you must ensure that you comply with regulations by using the Claims Quick Start Guide or any information found on If the content of the website does this, it would be unacceptable. Testimonials also fall into this category. We always recommend that you use the information that doTERRA has provided on Disease, drug or drug claims: Claims that a product diagnoses, prevents, treats or cures a disease. Income replaced: Avoid announcing that your doTERRA earnings have replaced your job or income. How do I change the principal applicant and co-applicant if the deceased member was the principal applicant? Can I be part of another direct selling business? The purchase of products from another direct selling company is allowed.

However, trying to create another direct selling company in addition to your doTERRA business will result in inter-company recruitment that is not allowed. * These are based on EXAMPLES FROM THE FDA and are not intended to simply replace disease claims. Structure-function claims should only be used if they are justified for the product under discussion. This quick start guide to doTERRA requirements covers all the do`s and don`ts and exactly what wording to use. This document comes directly from doTERRA and is a list of all approved claims for each product. How do I change the principal applicant and co-applicant in my account? If the co-applicant needs to be replaced by the principal applicant, please submit the following forms. Can I use “CPTG®” or “Certified Pure Tested Grade®” in my online marketing? Yes, company trademarks can be used on company-approved sales aids. This can be on a brochure, website, social media platform and more. If you have any further questions, please contact the compliance team. 3. Personal testimonials.

The FDA doesn`t care what happened to you, even if it`s true. For example, if you say that you took lavender and it helped you with your insomnia, then you made a claim for medication. If you say that you have used lavender to sleep better, then you are in the safe area of structure/function. Once you relate to the disease, you enter a troubling area. Is YouTube treated like social media or a static website? YouTube is a digital social media platform. doTERRA`s trademarks may be used in a compliant video and does not make any claims of illness or misleading income. Can I use everything that is published by doTERRA on my social media pages? Yes, we recommend that you republish the essential oil information published by doTERRA on your own social media platforms. All doTERRA posts use approved claims and are a great example of how to share doTERRA. However, please check the comments that other people can make on your post to make sure they are also using compliant language. Quickly delete all non-compliant messages. I`m so glad I was able to be helpful! I was totally lost at first (and now sometimes I get a little lost and I have to resort to this post). If I invite people to classes on my personal Facebook page, can I use doTERRA images or logos? Yes.

Make sure your invitations use a recognized wellness language. What should I do if my participant does not support me? There are times when advocates feel like they`re not getting the support they need from their participant. These types of situations can be complicated and even personal in nature. If you feel that your participant does not support you, please contact the compliance department. We work with you to ensure you are supported. How do I change my account name? To change the name in your doTERRA account, please submit the following documents. Are wellness advocates in all countries regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? Only U.S. welfare advocates are regulated by the FDA.

However, all countries have similar agencies. Wellness advocates in all markets are expected to use recognized wellness language when publishing online via doTERRA. Keywords: Avoid buzzwords like financial freedom, full-time income, replacement income, residual income, and work-level income. I explain how to be doTERRA FDA compliant on your blog or social media. Are you frustrated to learn what you can and can`t say when you try to tell others how great doTERRA essential oils are and how they have helped you? You are not alone. I struggled with this for a long time after learning that the FDA was taking action against doTERRA. I`m so glad I was able to help. Thank you for visiting! What happens to commissions on the account of a deceased member? If you are the next of kin, successor or executor of the estate, please follow the steps to terminate, transfer or change the co-applicant to the primary account holder. Once you have all the documentation for the account, contact Compliance regarding commissions. How do I join another team? doTERRA understands that sometimes things don`t work.

If you feel like you need to leave your current team and join another team, the only way to do that is to leave doTERRA for six months or a year first, depending on your rank. Once you have been completely inactive from doTERRA for the required time, you can reactivate your account through the doTERRA referral service and request a change of participant and sponsor.