Employment Law Cyprus Annual Leave

Employees who have worked for 48 weeks in a year are entitled to four weeks of paid annual leave. Employees who work 5 days a week are entitled to an annual leave of 20 working days, while employees who work 6 days a week are entitled to an annual leave of 24 working days. There is no mandatory retirement age. However, under the Termination of Employment Act, an employee is not entitled to compensation for termination or termination if he or she reaches retirement age (65 years) before the date of termination of the employment relationship. 1. The worker must have reached the retirement age of 65. 2. The employee must have spent 520 weeks in employment from the first week of payment of social security contributions. The law is very clear on the employer`s obligation to provide the employee with detailed information about the employment contract within one month of the start of the cooperation.

Information can be provided by employment contract or letter of appointment. For some professions, however, a minimum wage is set annually on behalf of the Council of Ministers. The occupations covered by the minimum wage provisions are as follows: the employer may exercise discretion as to whether the employee is going on leave, but under no circumstances may the employer shorten the holiday period. The annual leave to which a worker is entitled in Cyprus is 20 days for a 5-day week and 24 days for a 6-day working week. Pregnant workers are entitled to maternity leave of up to 18 weeks uninterrupted to 22 weeks for twins. For each additional child, an employee is entitled to an additional four weeks` leave. The limitation period for the employment claim before the Labour Disputes Tribunal is 12 months from the date on which the dispute arose. If an employee is dismissed for dismissal and compensation is claimed from the State-administered redundancy fund, he or she may also lodge a complaint with the Labour Court within nine months of receipt of the notification of the rejection of the action by the National Termination Fund.

The limitation period for bringing proceedings before the district courts is six years from the date of birth of the plea. In principle, both parents are entitled to 18 weeks of unpaid leave after maternity leave. The statutory compensation for unlawful dismissal due by the employer depends on the duration of the uninterrupted employment and is calculated in the same way as the severance pay. This compensation is calculated in accordance with Table 4 of the Termination Act, which provides that if you wish to open a business in Cyprus and need to know the details of employment contracts, you can contact our lawyers. It is also illegal to dismiss an employee for incapacity for work for the duration of sick leave (up to one year) plus another 1/4 of sick leave, unless certain conditions are met. Please note that there is a legal duration of 26 weeks of uninterrupted employment, which can be extended to two years by arrangement. An employee who is unfairly dismissed may bring an action for damages for unlawful or unlawful dismissal before the Labour Disputes Tribunal, which alone has jurisdiction to rule on matters arising from the employment contract and dismissal. According to the Dismissal Act, the minimum statutory notice period varies between one and eight weeks, depending on the duration of the employee`s uninterrupted employment. Since there is a rebuttable presumption that any dismissal is unlawful until the employer proves that the termination of the employment contract is justified on the basis of the limited grounds provided for in the Termination of Employment Act, more comprehensive employment contracts and internal policies are necessary, and employers should seek professional legal advice in advance. The employment contract of indefinite duration, which is usually the most common type of employment contract, must contain the following data: Discrimination in the workplace, including harassment in the workplace, is illegal under various legal provisions, including: The main employment laws are as follows: Fathers are entitled to leave of up to two weeks. Paternity leave may be taken within 16 weeks from the date of birth.

Parental leave is leave without pay granted to any parent employed (mother or father) for childcare purposes. Parental leave may be granted for a period of up to 18 weeks. It is important to note that the legislation contains specific provisions for adoptions, disabled children or serious and chronic diseases. Employment contracts in Cyprus can be fixed-term or open-ended. If a worker is employed continuously for a total of more than 30 months, his contract shall be considered to be of indefinite duration, unless the employer can demonstrate that such fixed-term employment can be justified on objective grounds, including (a) the needs of the undertaking for the specific establishment are temporary, (b) the employee replaces another employee, (c) the specificity of the work justifies the specified duration, d) the worker is employed on a probationary basis, e) the employment is permanent, e) the employment is permanent at the request of a court decision, f) the duties of the position require an adequate physical condition or g) military work. If the employee has worked less than 48 weeks during the year, the four-week annual leave will be reduced accordingly. It is important to mention that annual leave can be accumulated for a period of 2 years after consultation between the employer and the employee. The Cypriot employment contract may be for a fixed term or an indefinite period. The fixed-term or fixed-term contract in Cyprus is considered to have ended with the specified notice period, but the Labour Court may nevertheless decide whether the contract is valid indefinitely if there is evidence leading to such a conclusion. It should be mentioned that if the employee reaches the age of 68 and does not meet the insurance conditions for pensions, he is entitled to a single pension instead of a pension if he has exceeded 312 weeks of employment from the first week of payment of social security contributions. Sick leave and its payment are not subject to any rules, except in certain specific areas where relevant rules apply or where this is provided for in the employment contract.