How to Answer Law Case Study Questions in Exams

Jurisdictional issues are not exactly theoretical. They include understanding the facts, analyzing, applying judgment and synthesizing. In preparation, students must read the facts of the case and identify the subject of the dispute. Once identified, the facts must be correlated with the applicable law to reach a logical and rational conclusion. Closer to your final exam, work on speed. Practice answering several questions each day and make sure you can answer them in the time allotted. When preparing, students should try to remember the names of the parties involved, i.e.: The name of the plaintiff and defendant and whether that decision is made by the Supreme Court, Supreme Court or AAR. It is not mandatory to specify the name, it is highly recommended. In case of doubt, it is advisable not to quote, but to quote a fictitious name or the wrong case.

When a student mentions the name, he has the advantage of answering a question authoritatively, that is, with the support of a decided case. […] If you`re really learning law, you`re halfway there. You are armed with your weapons, now you have to learn how to fight! In other words, you need to practice old exams. You have the knowledge you need – practice helps you refine the technique to use that knowledge to recognize and analyze the law. (If you`re looking for detailed guidance on how to respond to fact models for law schools, click on this link!) […] After writing your exam answers, always spend a lot of time comparing your answer with the model answer and evaluating your answer. In this way, you will improve your exam writing skills. You`ll actively learn the law, give feedback, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and find that you`re improving over time! If you do it regularly, you`ll know what to expect by the time you take the final exam, and honestly, it won`t seem that difficult or intimidating because you`ve done it so many times before! I graduated as a #1 law student and got A+ in more than half of my law classes. Practicing the exams in advance was a big reason why I was able to achieve this performance. […] Were you worried about law exams? We have a LOT of tips for you! We have a long, detailed guide on how to pass the law school exams. We also have articles on how to take the law school exams, three steps to succeed in a law school […] The RAIC method is a commonly used method for writing answers to legal exams. The RAIC letters represent the following words: If your professor gives a combination of questions (some multiple-choice, an essay), spend your time answering both types of questions when you practice. Divide your time based on how your closing score is calculated.

For example, if only 10% of the exam is based on your multiple-choice score and 90% is based on your essay score, focus primarily on practicing writing questions. If it`s the other way around, focus primarily on practicing multiple-choice questions! When reading the case law, students should also read the relevant sections dealing with the case in question. This not only helps them to better understand the judgment, but also leads them to appreciate the interpretations made and the judgment made about it. If you have plans but struggle to learn or memorize them, you`re not alone. Many students struggle with this aspect of study. Check out this article for seven fantastic tips for learning about your law school that were outlined earlier in this guide! If your instructor includes short-answer questions in their exam, you will receive as many short-answer questions as possible. If your teacher publishes past exams, focus on this one first! Also check out a supplement. Many supplements have many short-answer questions that you can answer. (Our law school study aids include hundreds of short-answer questions written by top law professors!) If you do not know how to compare your answer with the sample answer, we recommend that you first ask yourself the following questions: The Institute publishes a separate book entitled “Select Cases in Direct and Indirect Tax Laws – an essential reading for Final Course”, which contains the summary of recent case law, which is of the utmost importance. enable students to understand critical issues in interpreting and applying provisions to practical situations. The relevant book for the final CA exams in November 2016 is the August 2015 edition. In addition, other important cases are published in the annex to the RTP.

In the second paragraph, the question of the case must be linked to that of the case decided and the reasons for that decision must be given in the light of the law or interpretation given by the Court. First, you need to determine which law the CONTRACT LAW case falls under, and then consider the elements of contract law, which are offer, acceptance, consideration, invitation to treatment, etc. If you`re looking for a lengthy article on how to improve your score on multiple-choice questions, check out this article on answering multiple-choice questions: It`s aimed at bar exam students, but can be useful for all students taking a multiple-choice exam! […] 4. Take practice exams throughout the semester. Find your teacher`s old exams (and answer templates!). Find exams online. Do not wait for the study period to take exams. Get started right away.

First-year law school professors tend to test the same problems over and over again. Practicing from the start will help you develop the essential skills to pass the law school exams. Detailed instructions on how to answer exam questions can be found in this article. […] The first paragraph contains a description of the case-law and an essential content of the legal provisions on which the question is based. To do this, students must be able to recall relevant case law and applicable provisions of the law when reading the question.