Jobs in Privacy Law

Are you interested in privacy, surveillance, civil rights or technology law and policy? Do you like compiling information to pursue a bigger goal? Dive into research to discover new information? The Center on Privacy & Technology is looking for Communications and Legal Research Assistants for the spring semester 2023. The New Jersey Attorney General`s Specialization Program offers law school graduates and newly licensed lawyers the opportunity to begin their legal careers in the public service. The two-year programme allows participants to work in one of six thematic areas: civil rights; financial protection of consumers; privacy and cybersecurity; Environment; security and armed violence; and public integrity. Click here to apply. Data protection law is a wonderful career with lots of opportunities. The estate is developing enormously. But getting started can be difficult. Here is some information on where you should start a career in data protection law – organisations with entry-level and junior job opportunities in the field. The ACLU has a number of career opportunities.

They focus on a wide range of issues, including a range of privacy issues such as anonymous speech and protection from government surveillance. The Open Technology Institute is the technology program of the New America Foundation. ITO formulates policy and regulatory reforms to support open architectures and open source innovation, and facilitates the development and implementation of open technologies and communication networks. OTI has several exchanges related to privacy and cybersecurity, many industries and professions have associations. Some associations are increasingly concerned about privacy issues and may be interested in retaining a lawyer to assist and advise them in this regard. Public Citizen is a non-profit organization that describes itself as follows: “Public Citizen is a non-profit consumer organization that defends the public interest – your interests – in the corridors of power. Since our founding in 1971, we have stood up for democracy, resisted corporate power, and worked to make government work for the people, not big business. Their platform doesn`t focus primarily on privacy. Public Citizen addresses a variety of issues affecting democracy, and some of them involve law and technology with privacy implications. I have a LinkedIn group for alumni of my privacy law course that I use to share information about job openings I discover, as well as to keep in touch with students and share some of my recent work with them.

This is a non-public group and I will only let current and former students join. Although the group is called “alumni”, I also welcome current students. I only accept current and former students of the group. Direct experience with privacy and data licensing issues and support for AI/ML or data-driven technology initiatives. Current admission to the bar of a U.S. state. The Internet Law & Policy Foundry is a collaborative group of young Internet law and policy professionals with a passion for technology. The group has created a platform for policy and legal experts with a genuine demonstrated passion for the internet and technology. The job board lists relevant positions, internships and scholarships in the fields of Internet, technology, privacy law and related fields. The FTC`s Bureau of Consumer Protection puts an end to unfair, deceptive, and fraudulent marketing practices, including inadequate privacy and data security policies or practices. The office collects complaints, investigates, prosecutes and develops rules to maintain a fair marketplace. The office offers both a summer law clerk program and entry-level careers.

Ensure that the company complies with applicable state and federal laws, regulations and privacy laws and governance frameworks, such as. These positions will report to Katie Evans, Assistant Director, but will work with different staff on specific projects. If you have any questions, please contact: The Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to innovation and improving society`s access to information and communications. CCIA promotes open markets, open systems, open networks and full, fair and open competition in the IT, telecommunications and Internet sectors. It offers legal internships and employment opportunities related to privacy, security and telecommunications. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a physical science laboratory and non-regulatory agency of the United States Department of Commerce. From smart grids and electronic health records to atomic clocks, advanced nanomaterials and computer chips, countless products and services rely in one way or another on the technology, measurements and standards provided by the agency. NIST offers a variety of internships and jobs. Advice on legal aspects related to privacy and data security incidents and support to the cybersecurity program. Government departments and agencies will hire junior lawyers. Find government vacancies in

CDT is a non-profit organization that describes itself as follows: “We work to preserve the user-controlled nature of the Internet and defend freedom of expression. We support laws, corporate policies, and technological tools that protect the privacy of Internet users, and advocate for stricter legal controls on government surveillance. The TDC tends to take moderately balanced positions on privacy issues, particularly consumer privacy issues.