Legal Counsel Employment Law

This is illegal and is known as wage theft. Here are some examples of salary theft: Drafting employment contracts is based on complicated legalese that you may not fully understand. Our Minneapolis labor lawyers have an understanding of Minnesota labor law and we recommend that you review any contract before signing it. An employment lawyer can identify any clause that could negatively affect you and ask that it be changed on more favorable terms. If you are a resigning employee and you have been the victim of illegal behaviour – discrimination, harassment or retaliation – and you quit, it may be more difficult to know if the courts allow you to go to court. This has to do with what we call in California the “constructive dump.” Without becoming too legal, constructive dismissal is the court or jury will determine whether someone around you had no choice but to stop that a reasonable person in your situation had to stop or face further discrimination, harassment or retaliation. If you encounter any problems at work that you deem illegal, please contact a law firm. It is important that you understand that there are companies that can help you. I encourage you to speak to a law firm that specializes in employment law. If this is our company, I would be more than happy to discuss with you the problems you are currently experiencing at work. If you are a former employee and want to know your rights about what happened to you at work but was not fired, give us a call. For whatever reason, we are here to help you and answer your questions. Thank you.

If you believe you`ve been wronged by your employer here in California and want to know if, if you`ve filed a lawsuit, how far you should go in that lawsuit and whether a settlement would be a viable option for you, I encourage you to talk to a law firm. especially the one who practices labour law. If it`s that company, that`s great. Give us a call and I will be happy to guide you through these questions. I wish you luck and look forward to talking to you. Whistleblowers often find themselves in a difficult situation when they have access to incriminating evidence but must risk a breach of contract to disclose this information. The sensitive nature of whistleblowing requires first-class legal counsel to avoid setbacks against the employee. It is important to protect whistleblowers who play an important role in reporting business owners who do not meet regulatory standards. We fully understand what is at stake when someone loses their job or suffers from an unbearable work environment. Our law firm handles cases exclusively on the basis of contingency fees.

This means that you will only pay legal fees if we provide you with financial compensation. There is no risk of talking to us during a free meeting to see if your case is justified. Employees throughout Southern California have trusted our firm for honest advice, dedicated legal services, and aggressive litigation in the face of adversity. We work for you – the people who make the Golden State work. If an employer tries to take advantage of, harass or otherwise harm you, you may be able to sue them for financial damages. With our help, our lawyers will guide you through the process, making sure you understand your rights and fighting for compensation that is legally due to you. Call (310) 553-5630 to schedule your free consultation today. Here are some common examples of workplace harassment that our California employment lawyers covered: I held a training seminar about two weeks ago and one of the questions asked by an audience member was, “How much time do I have to file an employment lawsuit in California?” I laughed and gave a typical lawyer answer, “Well, it depends.” Some of the statutes are extremely short.

Some of the time limits for filing a lawsuit depend on the type of claim you will file. Some require you to do something within six months of termination. Some of the same or very similar laws provide for a longer period – one year and probably up to three years. Our previous clients are full of praise for our dedication, attention to detail and expertise in solving complex problems. You speak directly to our local employment lawyers who will handle your case throughout the process. There are also many labor laws and regulations nationwide that deal with wages, hours of work, holidays, and civil rights laws. These include the California Labor Code, the California Employment and Housing Equity Act (FEHA), and the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). It`s important to hire a Los Angeles labor lawyer to help you sort through the dozens of laws that might apply to your case and understand all your legal rights as an employee in Los Angeles. Otherwise, you might be missing something that is crucial to your case. There have been many cases where our California labor lawyers have represented workers who receive money earned by bosses they have earned, who are trying to cut corners and save money.

Many gray area situations can occur in the workplace. Before filing complaints or joining a class action, talk to an employment lawyer first. Labour law is not limited to right and wrong. It`s about your entire future and your family`s financial security. Don`t let a discriminatory or negligent employer decide your fate. With the help of our employment lawyers, you can take steps to regain control of your life. Lawyers at Omid Nosati`s law firm represent individuals in Los Angeles and throughout California on employment-related matters. From discrimination to wage and scheduling disputes, we provide you with sound legal advice to help you achieve your goals.

Our team of experienced labor lawyers prides themselves on representing only California workers, not employers. Our Los Angeles employment law firm has over two decades of experience dealing with the unique issues facing employees in today`s workplaces. We have experience representing clients in all areas of employment, from compliance with federal laws such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to non-compete obligations and negotiating termination agreements. We are your strategic partner for all legal aspects of your employment law matters. Whether or not you have six months, a year or three years depends on the type of claim you are making and the type of employer you are going to be suing. Some of the factors at play are the size of the employer. How many employees does it have in a given geographic area? Is this employer a public or private entity? There are a lot of questions to determine how long you need to apply for a job in California. This is a very factual investigation. One question I received from a potential client last week was, “How do I choose a lawyer for my job application?” It was an interesting question because she called me, a labour lawyer, and asked me what factors she should consider in finding the right employment lawyer.

We talked a little bit about how she should look for someone who really specializes in labour law. I told him to find a lawyer in a firm where the entire practice is devoted to a certain degree and aspect of labour law. Especially in California, you want a lawyer who knows an area of law called the Fair Employment and Housing Act. You need to look for a lawyer who really specializes in discrimination or employment law. Thanks to comprehensive legal expertise, we objectively assess the strengths and weaknesses of each case. If you or someone you know has been abused by an employer, please contact us immediately. You deserve to have someone by your side to protect your rights. Call our California employment lawyers today to discuss your legal options. State labour laws serve to give workers rights and obligations to employers. The law prohibits acts such as discrimination against a protected class and unlawful dismissal. The laws provide employees with a basis on which to base claims and lawsuits against employers.