Legal Definition Inaccessible

However, was it possible that the Russian authorities could censor the Internet and make Meduza inaccessible to Russian readers? These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “inaccessible”. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. I am sure that this bird had a nest there, although the place is too inaccessible to be studied closely. The world of fine jewelry, usually inaccessible to anyone looking for an affordable yet sturdy pair of earrings, has seen a boom in recent years, thanks in part to jewelry companies based on direct-to-consumer business models. The process tends to remain trapped and inaccessible in a person – usually a very complicated person. It has been inaccessible for weeks as shelling and Israeli troops try to eliminate strong guerrilla resistance. Swallows probably nest in the cenote, although the nests were not visible. The court cited the general rule in civil disputes that each party must bear its own production costs. Federal Rule 26(b)(2)(B) is the rule that deals with inaccessible ISAs: “A party is not required to disclose electronically stored information from sources it identifies as insufficiently accessible due to an unreasonable charge or cost. Parties requesting a transfer of costs under this rule must demonstrate that they have good cause. Obstacles such as war, migrant populations, difficult terrain and lack of vaccine acceptance have created pockets of children that are inaccessible, he says.

“The problem is that people live in villages and towns that are physically inaccessible by vehicle,” he says. The orchestra`s seats, which were now inaccessible to the public, were removed with the miracle organ. Fortunately, there is a place where the sun is abundant, where the power grid is inaccessible, where price does not matter and where there is only space. However, they take care to place their nests in tolerably inaccessible places that are not easy to reach without rope. Federal law requires polling stations to be accessible to people with disabilities, but deterrents such as inaccessible entrances, faulty voting machines and long lines remain common. The various communities of the Church must not stand in entrenchments inaccessible to each other. The basic definition of inaccessible ISEs (electronically stored information) is data that needs to be retrieved, defragmented or reconstructed for production. This has an impact on the cost of electronic disclosure, as cost shifting only becomes possible if the party first determines that the IST is not accessible. It is clear that the gas could not be transported to an enemy country or to remote and almost inaccessible areas. The rule has also been interpreted in case law that, before any transfer of costs, the party must prove that the electronic data requested is not accessible. In this case, the accused did not even attempt such a demonstration. The court cited examples of inaccessible ISEs: backup tapes and deleted, fragmented or corrupted data are the most common examples.

In the absence of evidence, the court could not distinguish what costs could be attributed to the production of accessible data or the verification of privileges (none of these tasks would generally be subject to cost shifting). No matter where you land, your Amazon Music Unlimited playlists won`t go away – they`ll just be grayed out and inaccessible until you log back in. Middle English, Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French, from late Latin inaccessibilis, from Latin in- + late Latin accessibilis accessible The Court also discusses Rule 26(b)(2)(C)(iii), which allows for cost shifts for accessible ISAs if the effort or cost of discovery outweighs its potential benefits (also known as the proportionality rule). The court found that the plaintiff`s requests for disclosure and the need for the ESI outweighed the burden on the defendant. Consequently, the defendant`s request for transfer of costs was dismissed. In Cochran v. Caldera Medical, Inc., Civil Action No. 12-5109, (E.D.Penn. April 22, 2014), the defendant sought an order requiring the plaintiff to pay for ESI defence production equally.

The defendant in this case is a manufacturer of transvaginal mesh against which 1,709 lawsuits were pending. However, the case described above is the only one where the discovery has not yet been completed. The defendant argued that it had limited resources and therefore concluded that it should be ordered to pay half of the ESI production costs.