Legal Literacy

Legal awareness is an important part of working life. [36] According to John Akula, when legally sensitive issues arise, business leaders often find themselves in an uncharted field, often without the necessary legal training. [37] When business leaders work with lawyers, they need to develop a common language to address likely communication gaps and develop a strong sense of law. [38] Without (legal) literacy, people can be intimidated and alienated from the law. But without legal competence, the concept of the rule of law does not offer the protection it should offer when people unknowingly renounce their rights. In addition to external counsel, in-house counsel[39] and in some countries such as Australia and India, the Corporate Secretary is responsible for advising on good governance practices and compliance with corporate governance standards, as required by various corporate, securities and other corporate laws, regulations and policies. [40] [41] According to Hasl-Kelchner, corporate legal literacy addresses the legal risk profiles of businesses, both at the employee and organizational levels. In “legal competence”, the semantic components are the predominant notion of “law”, “law”, “responsibility to the law” and “civic literacy” plus the terms “civil society”, “individual rights and freedoms” and “human responsibility to civil society”. [42] In the formal system of political education, human rights may be addressed through civic, values and social studies, although they may have the limitation of presenting only certain aspects of human rights and not their integrated whole, and the duties of citizens may be overestimated to the detriment of certain rights and freedoms.

[43] Legal literacy can enable people to demand justice, accountability and effective redress. Legal issues always have the potential to become a crisis when ignorance prevents someone from anticipating legal problems and receiving timely information or advice. Crises unnecessarily amplify the impact on a person`s life. Legal awareness is also achieved through camps, lectures and interactive workshops or intensive programmes on essential and basic legal laws. At the primary level, an introduction to basic legal education at the lowest level is usually provided through civic education, but this is not necessarily appropriate for the rest of life. [44] Applied legal education is provided by the business school and some other branches. The news media also play a role, but are not able to meet all socio-legal literacy needs. [ref. needed] NGOs and legal aid centres may provide limited legal expertise in certain priority areas.

[25] Public legal education, sometimes referred to as civic education, includes a range of activities aimed at building public awareness and skills related to law and justice. This term also refers to the areas of practice and study that deal with these activities and to a social and professional movement that advocates for greater societal commitment to educating people about the law. Anna-Marie Marshall explains: “To realize their rights, people must take the initiative to express them. This initiative, in turn, depends on the availability and relevance of the legal regime for people facing problems. [4] Indeed, laws exist as part of a larger organizational ecosystem in which the interests of the organization as well as those of the actors are inextricably linked to how they are implemented. “Today, you can`t access basic legal information if you don`t have internet, computers or basic digital skills. The Legal Literacy Initiative is the link that allows residents to access information, answer questions themselves, and determine if and how they want legal help. According to Lorenzo Cotula, laws are usually published in the Official Gazette and few people outside the legal community have access to legal information. [28] Illiteracy,[28] economic barriers,[29] language barriers, social taboos,[30] and lawyers` lack of zeal can lead to barriers to obtaining the necessary basic legal training. According to Hanna Hasl-Kelchner, lawyers sometimes tend to say no and kill an agreement instead of solving problems and finding solutions that are both practical and legally sound. [31] With few changes in the definition of the Multiple Actions Research Group (MARG, an NGO working to promote legal awareness), legal awareness can be defined as “critical knowledge of legal regulations and processes, coupled with the ability to use this knowledge to respect and realize rights and prerogatives.” [1] [12] The objectives of legal jurisdiction are a public matter: my subject today is “legal jurisdiction”, but to put it that way, immediate clarification is needed, because this expression has a wide range of possible meanings with which we will have much to do with it.