Legal Management Classes

Legal management is an academic and professional discipline that is a mixture of the study of law and management (i.e. business administration, public administration, etc.). Often, alumni of legal management programs pursue a professional law degree such as Juris Doctor (JD) or Bachelor of Law (LL.B.), while some go on to pursue paralegals, articling students, policy analysts, politicians, public administrations, entrepreneurs, executives, or careers in academia. CORPORATE AND INCOME TAX LAW (BUKOTAX) 3 units The course is primarily a study of the basic principles of taxation, income tax, inheritance and gift tax, as well as the various corporate taxes and transfer taxes levied under the National Tax Code (NIRC). The first part aims to situate taxation as a law in the context of the Philippine legal system and introduces the student to the concept of taxation and its importance as a state power. It also tries to familiarize the student with the general principles of taxation. The second part is specifically devoted to the study of the concept of income tax; Business taxes, in particular value added tax (VAT), as well as other business taxes, namely: excise duties, other percentage taxes, stamp duties on Community tax documents and certificates. Legal management is currently offered in several study formats, depending on the college or university that offers it. Its diversity and flexibility are a focal point among schools that have it in their list of university degrees.

Some benefit from the legal aspects, others from the commercial aspects. Some schools may offer the degree either as a primarily preparatory law program, as a liberal arts focused program, or as a business and management program. The main subjects are: law, philosophy, literature and management (public and business). Depending on the school, the ratio between law courses and management courses varies between 40:60 and 90:10. As directors and managers of the legal industry, we need to ensure that we are aware of current trends in the legal industry and learn how external factors affect us and our law firms. By learning the importance of keeping abreast of legal trends and using them in our firm`s strategic plans, we can develop strategies to improve our firm`s performance and make them “dynamic law firms.” COMPUTER APPLICATION FOR LEGAL MANAGEMENT 1 (COMP1LM) 3 teaching units The course is taught through a combination of lectures and computer lab teaching. Between lab classes and seminars, there will be interaction with discussion topics and other topics of interest to the class via the discussion list (Yahoo groups). LEGAL ASPECTS OF ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION (LAWADVE) 3 entities knowledge of the constitutional provisions relating to advertising; Knowledge of the basic concepts of tort and damages with respect to obligations and liabilities arising from human relations and the importance of different types of intellectual property and the legal rights and protections afforded to their owners; Know the rules and regulations for conducting sales promotions and apply them through simulated exercises; and to be aware of social and legal responsibility in advertising and promotion The Bachelor of Arts in Legal Management (LM) is an interdisciplinary course of study with a law-focused curriculum, integrated with the essential aspects of business management.

The objective of the program is to develop the study of law in the context of business management. Its ultimate goal is to develop students into leaders and managers of the twenty-first century, equipped with knowledge of management principles and business laws for good governance and listening to the globalized business environment. The courses in the programme are designed to provide students with appropriate knowledge of business laws and principles, and to enable them to develop ethical and legally sound business solutions or strategies in service of the local and global community. The American Bar Association`s accreditation standards require students to regularly take the courses in which they are enrolled. Lewis & Clark expects students to attend classes regularly and prepare diligently for classes.