Legal Term for Substitute

In the event that a creditor of the obligation recovers the entire debt from one of the guarantors, the guarantor has the right to take his place and attend a meeting of his rights and securities as if he were a buyer, either against the principal or against his co-guarantors. Federal Bar Directory and Legal Consumer Resources In legal terms, the right of substitution is a statutory right of all parties except the state. It is the right to change the chief clerk with or without reason. The FindLaw Legal Dictionary – free access to over 8260 definitions of legal terms. Search for a definition or browse our legal glossaries. Free and reliable legal information for consumers and legal professionals SUBSTITUTION, Kanzleipraxis. This occurs where one creditor has a lien on two different parcels and another creditor has a subsequent lien on only one of the parcels and the previous creditor chooses to have its entire claim on the land on which the subsequent creditor acquires its lien; The latter has the right to have the previous privilege assigned to him as a substitute. 1 John. Cpl. R. 409; 2 Hawk`s Rep.

623; 2 Mason, r. 342. And in the event that a bondholder demands the entire debt of one of the guarantors, that guarantor has the right to be replaced and assign its rights and guarantees as a buyer against the principal or its co-guarantors. Id. 413; 1 Paiges R. 185; 7 John. Cap. 211; 10 watts, r.

148. 2. The guarantor of payment of the debt shall have the right to substitute himself for the creditor and to assert all his rights against the principal. 2 John. Cpl. R. 454. 4 John. Cpl. R. 123; 1 Edw. R.

164; 7 John. R. 584; 3 Paiges R. 117; 2 Call, R. 125; 2 years. R. 346; 1 Gill & John. 346; 6 Rand. R. 98,; 8 watts, r. 384.

In Pennsylvania, an Act of Assembly provides that, in all cases where a police officer is charged with the conduct of a money-raising proceeding and, by neglecting duty, fails to collect it, thereby compelling that officer`s bail or security to pay the amount of a judgment due to the payer, As noted above, The equitable interest in such a judgment and the amount owing under such a judgment may be forfeited on behalf of the plaintiff for the use of that person. Pamphlet Laws, 1828-29, 370. Empty 2 Binn. R. 382 and appeal. The first representation or direct representation is simply the establishment of a second legatee if the first legatee is unable or unwilling to accept the inheritance; for example, if a testator gives Peter his estate, but he cannot legally obtain it or deliberately refuses it, then I give it to Paul; This is a direct substitution. n. a document in which the party to a dispute declares that his or her registered lawyer will be replaced by another lawyer or by the party acting in his or her own name (in propria persona).

Normally, the outgoing lawyer and the substitute lawyer sign the document and accept the replacement, but only the new lawyer must agree, as a party can replace the lawyer at any time. Are you a lawyer? Visit our professional website » At, we pride ourselves on being the leading source of free legal information and resources on the Internet. Contact us. SUBSTITUTION, civil law. In device law, it is the act of placing one person in the place of another, so that, for lack of capacity, he can benefit from an invention or a legacy in him or after him. 2. This is a type of subrogation that takes place in two different ways; The first is direct substitution and the second is fiduciary representation or commissioner Fidei. The first representation or direct representation is simply the establishment of a second legatee if the first legatee is unable or unwilling to accept the inheritance; for example, if a testator gives Peter his estate, but he cannot legally obtain it or deliberately refuses it, then I give it to Paul; This is a direct substitution. Fidei substitute commissioner is what happens when the person replaced must receive the legacy only after the first legatee and must therefore receive the matter from the hands of the latter, for example, I name Peter my heir, and I ask that he hand over my estate to Paul at his death. Merl. Repert. H.T.; 5 Toull.

14. The representation of Commissioner Fidei is that which takes place when the person replaced must receive the legacy only after the first legatee and must therefore receive the matter from the hands of the latter, for example, I name Peter as my heir and ask him to hand over my estate to Paul at his death. Practice of law firms. The Spanish Consumer Legal Website #1 The procedure by which one party is replaced by another in a dispute.2 min spent reading The right to representation without cause only applies in certain U.S. states and not in the federal court system. This is unusual outside the United States. This right can only be exercised once per case, while the right to compensation can be exercised for good cause until a neutral judge can be found. v. to take over a case from another lawyer, which must be confirmed by a written statement to the court. Source: Merriam-Webster`s Dictionary of Law ©, 1996.

Licensed with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. ConditionsPrivacy PolicyDisclaimerCookiesDo not sell my information The right to compensation for cause has no limit to the frequency with which it can be requested, so the parties can exercise this right until they have found a neutral judge. Substitution by cause may be postponed at any time after a party has become aware that there is a bias. However, many jurisdictions require that the right be exercised within a certain period of time after a party discovers the bias, or abandons the right, often 30 to 60 days. The right to be represented may be exercised, where appropriate, by criminal and juvenile defendants and by all parties to civil proceedings. Reason can replace any bias a judge may have in the case, such as a connection to a party (family, friendship or even shareholder) who has made vocal comments on the issue in the trial in the past, etc. An unfounded replacement must be requested before the first court order. It can therefore be sought in a civil court after complaints and responses have been filed, but before the first order, often an order intended for investigation. In criminal or juvenile courts, this right may be exercised after the charge or indictment, but before a preliminary hearing. Sometimes the application must be submitted a certain number of days before the introductory or scheduling sequence is granted.

This right should rarely be exercised by the parties, as judges usually override spontaneous bias and withdraw from a case before a party even knows the conflict of interest. A guarantor for the settlement of the debt has the right to take the place of the creditor and to assert all his rights against the principal. In Pennsylvania, an Act of Assembly provides that, in all cases where a police officer is charged with the conduct of a money-raising proceeding and, by neglecting duty, fails to collect it, thereby compelling that officer`s bail or security to pay the amount of a judgment due to the payer, As noted above, The equitable interest in such a judgment and the amount owing under such a judgment may be forfeited on behalf of the plaintiff for the use of that person. directory of American lawyers with the exclusive Super Lawyers classification in civil law. putting one person in another`s place; in particular, the act of a deceased upon the appointment of a second legatee to take over the legacy, either in the event of default by the executor or the original legatee, or after him. In Scots law. The enumeration or determination of heirs in an asset balance. The assistants in an exercise are the heirs who are appointed successively in case of default of others.

In device law, it is the act of placing one person in the place of another, so that, for lack of capacity, he can benefit from an invention or a legacy in him or after him. It is a type of appeal that takes place in two different ways; The first is direct substitution and the second is fiduciary representation or commissioner Fidei. Copyright © 2022, Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. Ademption, arbitration, bill of lading, indemnification, indemnification, equivalent, dismissal, , species. This occurs where one creditor has a lien on two different parcels and another creditor has a subsequent lien on only one of the parcels and the previous creditor chooses to have its entire claim on the land on which the subsequent creditor acquires its lien; The latter has the right to have the previous privilege assigned to him as a substitute. A procedure whereby one party to a dispute is replaced by another. This may be due to a number of reasons, including death, incompetence, dismissal or resignation of an accused person in his official capacity, etc. Judges usually receive cases at random in a jurisdiction (unless there is only one judge in a jurisdiction, in which case they receive all cases).

The right of replacement does not give a litigant the right to choose a judge, but only the random selection of another judge in the jurisdiction. If the law is exercised in one jurisdiction with a judge, a judge from a neighbouring jurisdiction will usually take over the case, although occasionally a reserve judge or commissioner may be appointed.