Legally Blonde Jr Rehearsal Tracks

We can customize most of our tracks to meet your needs in different ways. A full set of additional tracks is provided at no extra cost with melodic guides. Rehearse directly from your mobile device with a virtual companion who plays every note of your show`s score. Notes: Download our professional backing tracks for Legally Blonde with music and lyrics by Laurence O`Keefe and Nell Benjamin. Based on the 2001 film, the show premiered in New York in 2007 and London in 2009. The following page contains bar numbers, links for backing and reference vocal tracks, and timestamps for each Legally Blonde Jr. song. Online copies of the music can be found on the login page, and physical copies can be found at the theater office. If you`re auditioning with a song that isn`t the subject of a live performance, you`ll usually find piano or karaoke tracks on YouTube! This is the complete set of accompanying tracks to the show, consisting of more than 35 tracks, all instrumental such as scene changes, underscores and playoffs and the popular numbers What You Want, Find My Way and the title track Legally Blonde. · Please use accompaniment/accompaniment tracks, no acapella singing.

A fabulously funny and award-winning musical based on the popular film Legally Blonde The Musical follows Elle Woods` transformation as she confronts stereotypes and scandals to pursue her dreams. Full of action and exploding with unforgettable songs and dynamic dances, this musical is so much fun it should be illegal! Listen to a cast or demo recording before you get licensed for your next musical. Promote your show with the officially licensed logo. Legal Blonde Remix (Part 1) – Action 20-38 (Top Line) to Logan at (814) 779-3981 if you have any questions or concerns! Download links are available in your account – Purchased Downloads, which also show you the status of all pending keys from the production you ordered. To request any of these processing services, please send us an email with your requirements. Boost your production with affordable and accurate digital backdrops from Broadway Media. · Keep your upper body as well as the top of your head in the frame. MTI and original Broadway choreographer Jerry Mitchell have teamed up to revolutionize the way you choreograph your musicals with an innovative new resource: The Original Production (TOP). Legal Blonde The Musical is perfect for high school and community theater with a large ensemble and several great singing and dancing numbers. Play your entire musical with a pre-recorded score played by a full orchestra of professional musicians LIVE directly from your Apple iOS device. Give your cast and crew the tools for a successful rehearsal process Feel free to contact us by email above or by phone Audition videos can be emailed to · Don`t stress 🙂 Have fun and show your character and talent! San Marin High would like to get the rights to Legally Blonde for the spring, but we can`t afford to pay for it yet. Is it possible to block this title for us for a few months until we have the necessary funds? Important reminder: MS All County is the same weekend as our show.

If you have already chosen All County, please do not audition. Show your pride with T-shirts with the official logo of your musical. The tracks are available for download in 320-bit MP3 format. You will receive download instructions in your order confirmation email. Build confidence through choreography! Create stunning productions with instruction from the best on Broadway with choreographic video guides from Broadway Media. Manage ticket sales online and maximize your ticketing. Make it easy for your creative team to track moving parts in your production. For female roles, choose a sung selection of Omigod You Guys, So Much Better, Legally Blonde Remix, or a short sample of any song of your choice. Bring Broadway to your own backyard by allowing authorized keyboard programming for your show.

Reference Vocal Track: *** Photo and Video Gallery ****** Headshots ****** Vocal Guide ****** Performance Tracks ****** List of Actors *** Some tips for the most successful video audition:. Make it easy to find, block, and all your production needs with this customizable copy of the booklet. Use Jerry Mitchell`s official choreography for Hairspray and Legal Blonde. Play the full score of your show by adding the missing instruments from your orchestra. · Consider a Jr. or a full production of Legally Blonde to understand the character`s voice and how the song fits into the show. MTI is happy to provide pre-approved rental equipment of the selected songs for your symphony concert. Please note that MTI cannot grant the necessary performance rights with this equipment rental.

The required performing rights must be purchased separately through the respective small rights agency of the respective song, such as ASCAP, BMI or SESAC. If you have any questions, please send an email. RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY. APPLICATION PROCESSING TIMES MAY EXCEED NORMAL WAIT TIMES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE. If you find that the key you ordered is not suitable, simply rearrange the track for free in another key. This service is available for most titles, except for those where keys appear as unavailable on the product detail page. If you have the ARTE 200/300 level and would like to be considered for a leading role, it is recommended to submit a video audition. It doesn`t have to be, but it helps us a lot to give us a clear idea of your abilities as a performer and increases your chances of being cast in a desired role.

It`s also a fantastic opportunity to see what self-recorded auditions look like in the world of professional theatre! Change the tone of any song and optimize your artist`s vocal range. She Woods seems to have it all. Her life is turned upside down when her Warner boyfriend leaves her so he can study law at Harvard. Determined to bring him back, she ingeniously made her way into the famous law school. There, she fights with her peers, professors and her ex. However, with the help of new friends, she quickly realizes her potential and sets out to prove herself to the world.