Representante Legal O Social

Representation consists of acting on behalf of others. The representative shall act on behalf of the person represented. By representation, the representative may act on behalf of the persons represented in legal acts, legal acts such as contracts, agreements, procedural acts, administrative acts, provided that they are not strictly personal. In addition, the legal effects of the acts in which the representative intervenes affect the person and the inheritance of the represented person. Representation may be voluntary if there is an agreement between the parties, as in the case of the contract of agency or the granting of powers, or it may be lawful if the law itself provides for it. In practice, entrepreneurs or businessmen often have doubts about the question of the legal representation of companies, about the scope or© about the powers, duties and responsibilities that it entails to be the legal representative of a company. In order to guide people who have doubts about the representation of legal persons or companies, we present questions and answers on the legal representation of companies. It is desirable to strike a balance between the powers necessary for the legal representative to carry out effectively the mandate entrusted to him or her and the restrictions necessary to protect the owner, partners and shareholders of the company. Can the legal representative sell a business even if he or she is not the owner? Legal persons are legal persons composed of natural persons or other legal persons (again, natural persons). Legal persons have their own nationality, faith or social reasons, domicile and assets and are independent of those of the persons they join. Legal persons as legal persons have rights and obligations. In the case of commercial companies, the statutes ± define the powers of the administrator or administrative authority. Depending on the nature of the commercial company concerned, the administrative body may be composed only of members or managers or third parties outside ± company, and these may in turn appoint one or more others to represent or represent the company in order to perform certain acts on its behalf.

Companies interact on a daily basis with third parties such as public authorities, employees and other natural and legal persons and do so for this purpose through©their legal representatives. For example, if a company is registered in the federal tax register, it must apply to the SAT and do so through©its legal representative. When the company hires employees, it enters into contracts with them through©its legal representative. The legal representation of a company may be in the hands of a partner or a third party designated by the partners. Hello, I would like to remove a doubt about the requirements to be the legal representative of a natural person. I will give an example: in a meeting of owners, a person who belongs to the board has the power of an owner, immediately becomes a legal representative or must comply with certain rules? In order to change the legal representative, it is necessary to make an amendment to the statutes, which we explain here. The Commercial Code regulates issues related to the legal representation of commercial companies, but in general, the representative can sign contracts, assume obligations, fulfill them, claim the rights of the represented person, etc. Where, in order to perform a legal act or transaction or to intervene in administrative or judicial proceedings, a person claiming to represent a legal person is required to prove that status, he must produce the act or act in which he is represented by the legal person. In addition, depending on the case, the power of attorney authorizing the person to act on behalf of the company or the mandate contract with the formalities prescribed by law may be presented. The legal representative performs the functions indicated by the representative, as in the case of commercial companies, when the statutes define the functions and powers of his legal representative. The representative beneficiary can only manage benefit cheques issued by the Social Security Administration.

If the person receiving benefits has more money or assets that they cannot manage, a representative beneficiary must have legal authority from another source to manage other funds.