Sample of Legal Opinion in Kenya

The following publication contains an introduction to the functioning of legislative services in parliaments, a summary of the recommendations adopted at the legislative services workshops, an overview of the functioning of selected legislative departments and examples of various legislative opinions produced by parliamentary services. The information used in the preparation of this publication was compiled during the workshops on legislative services organised by NDI in 2014 in cooperation with the Slovak Parliament in Casta-Papiernicka and in 2016 in Durres, Albania, with the support of the research and legislative departments of Albanian, Bosnian, Czech, Kosovar, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Polish, Serbian, Slovak and Slovenian Parliament. ATIENO OGOLLA BAR PAPER REVIEW PASSED ON DOCUMENTARY SURVEYS, CONTRACTS.docx. OBLIGATIONS OF THE LAWYER IN A TRANSFER TRANSACTION.docx.