School Board Legal Insurance Coverage

Since many schools have extensions on or around July 1, now is the time to formulate your renewal strategy, communicate market conditions to your policyholders, and start conversations with your current and potential insurers. The insurance provided by AASA`s Professional Liability Plan exceeds any other valid and recoverable insurance or compensation you may have in respect of the claim, including coverage for your school district and/or school board. A typical legal liability insurance policy for school boards or educators is designed to protect not only teachers, but also school board members, administrators, volunteers, student teachers and various other educational staff. The standard policy wording defines “unlawful act” as coverage for actual or alleged breach of duty, negligence, misrepresentation, and other errors or omissions by an insured educator in his or her capacity or in the course of his or her employment on behalf of the educational institution. In July 2011, AASA`s policy was expanded to include a new confirmation that expands the coverage of AASA`s legal aid program. For due process and dismissal protection claims, the new definition of defence costs has now been established. Defence costs now cover investigation, negotiation, arbitration, settlement or defence. Overall, the functions of an independent or private school board include achieving the school`s mission and vision, strategic planning for the future of the school, ensuring the financial viability of the school through fundraising and other activities, setting policy, and hiring the principal. These duties and responsibilities are almost universal in nature, whether advice is sought from national associations, local accreditation bodies or other standards.

Here, too, the advantages of legal liability insurance differ from one provider to another. However, most policies offer the following benefits: The costs associated with an ELL policy vary from one insurance provider to another. They also vary depending on the specifics of your establishment and whether you need additional services that are not offered under a basic ELL policy. Since the benefits offered by this type of insurance vary from provider to provider, it is important to ensure that the policy you choose offers the specific coverage required for your institution`s insurance. If you need additional coverage, you have the option to purchase additional coverage. Of course, check with your insurer to find out exactly what your policy doesn`t cover to make sure you have a complete understanding of how you`re protected. The very public lawsuits involving Penn State University have recently reminded us that sexual abuse and harassment are crucial issues for schools. Any article written about a business class that touches on personal data (PII) and does not mention cyber responsibility does not address another major source of concern. $1,000,000 in benefits plus part-time coverage Brokers who offer liability insurance for educators and a school board are starting to notice that the market has become more challenging. Layoffs due to budget cuts have led to an increase in Employment Practices Liability (EPL) lawsuits, while the difficult labor market has led to an increase in the number of “lack of education” claims. Subject to the application of relevant state laws, the Federal Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 (VPA) is another source of legal protection for directors of non-profit corporations such as private and independent schools when certain conditions are met. These conditions of protection under the VPA include that the trustee “acted within the scope of his or her responsibilities at the time of the act or omission that caused the damage.” AASA`s corporate liability regime is the solution to uncertain or inadequate liability coverage.

You can rest easy knowing that your backup plan is in place if your school district doesn`t have adequate coverage or refuses to defend you. Your association`s membership in the Educators` Insurance Trust (EIT) provides this valuable membership benefit. If there was only one area of concern, policyholders could manage that risk with exclusions, sub-limits, higher deductibles, or other mitigations. However, as gravity increases and demands come from many directions, the market must react. Underwriters can either pull out of the market or try to get around hot spots. As mentioned earlier in this article, many insurers have moved away from this category, while others are in the process of revising their rates, deductions, and coverage conditions. A school board may provide insurance on school property against fire damage and other losses it deems necessary, and may maintain liability insurance or self-insurance for some or all of its officers and employees, as well as for student teachers and other persons performing duties or services for a school in the school department. even if that student-teacher or any other person performs such duties or services without remuneration, to cover the costs and expenses associated with liability, including those for settlement, action or satisfaction of judgment, arising from their conduct in the performance of their duties or in the performance of duties or services for a school. Liability insurance cover is underwritten by insurance companies licensed to do business in this Commonwealth.