Showroom Rules and Regulations

1. Data controller (ADO): SalesMan sp. z o.o. z o.oKrucza 1387-125 Osiek nad WisłąNIP: 879-27-210-66, REGON: 3858571401. Postal address – first and last name of the institution, location in the city (in the case of a city divided by streets: street, building number, apartment or apartment number; in the case of a city not divided by streets: city name and property number), postal code and city name. 2. Address of the complaint: SalesMan sp. z o.o. z o.oKrucza 1387-125 Osiek nad Wisłą3. Shipping price list – a list of available delivery options and their cost, found under (dostawa). 4. Contact details: SalesMan sp.

z o.o. z o.oKrucza 1387-125 Osiek nad Wisłąe-mail: Phone: 531 234 432 5. Personal data – any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. The information is not expected to identify an individual when excessive investments in cost or time or specific activities are required. 6. Sensitive data – personal data containing information on racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, religious affiliation, party or trade union membership, as well as data on health, genetic code, drug addiction, sex life, convictions, court decisions on sanctions and fines, and other judicial or administrative judgements. 7. Delivery – the type of transport service, the information provided by the carrier and the cost specifications included in the delivery price list under 8.

Proof of purchase – an invoice, invoice or receipt issued in accordance with the Goods and Services Tax Act of 11. March 2004, as amended and other applicable laws. 9. Product card – a single subpage of the store`s website containing information about a single product. 10. Customer – an adult natural person with full legal capacity, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality but with legal capacity, who makes a purchase from the Seller directly related to his commercial or professional activity. 11. Civil Code – Law of 23 April 1964 amended on the Civil Code. 12.

Code of conduct – a set of codes of conduct, ethical and professional standards in accordance with Article 5 of the Act of 23 August 2007 on combating unfair commercial practices, as amended. 13. Consumer – an adult natural person with full legal capacity who makes a purchase from the seller that is not directly related to his commercial or professional activity. 14. Shopping cart – a list of products selected by the buyer from the products offered in the shop.15. Buyer – both the consumer and the customer. 16. Delivery destination – postal address or pick-up point specified in the buyer`s order. 17. Delivery date (time) – the time when the buyer or a third party designated by him for collection receives the item.

18. ODR web-based platform – Union website operated on the basis of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the online consumer dispute resolution system and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC and available at https: 19. Payment – method of payment for the contract object and delivery listed in Authorised body – body authorised to carry out the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes within the framework of the amended law of 23 September 2016 on the out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes. 21. Privacy Policy – the rules relating to the processing of buyers` personal data and their rights by the controller (ADO), as well as the obligations of the controller, can be found at: polityka-prywatnosci22. Consumer law – Law of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights. 23. Product – the minimum and indivisible number of items that can be ordered, which is listed in the seller`s shop as a unit of measurement to determine its price (price/unit). 24.

Subject of the contract – products and delivery conditions that are the subject of the contract. 25. Object of the service – object of the contract. 26. Pick-up point – the place of delivery of the item, other than a postal address indicated in the statement provided by the seller in the store. 27. UOKiK Register (Register of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection) – register of authorised bodies maintained by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection on the basis of the Act of 23 September 2016 on the out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes, as amended, and available at: 28th GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC 29. Object – a unit or mobile product that can or is the subject of the contract. 30. Shop – website under where the buyer can place an order. 31. Publisher: SalesMan sp.

z o.o. z o.oKrucza 1387-125 Osiek nad WisłąNIP: 879-27-210-66, REGON: 385857140registered in the National Register of Courts under number: 0000836037BANK ACCOUNT: 04 1050 1979 1000 0090 8086 4656 Think of your business policies and procedures as a guide, rather than being set in stone. In order to adequately satisfy the customer, some situations may require a fold in the rules. Make sure payment methods, returns, cancellations, and other policies are clearly visible to customers and can even be included on your receipts. This way, you can enforce your rules easily and safely. Cornell`s List of OSHA Store Safety Regulations 1. The Data Collector (ADO) is responsible for the lawful processing of personal data and the rules for the collection, processing and storage of personal data, as well as the rights of the buyer with regard to his personal data. 2.

The data collector (ADO) processes buyers` personal data on the basis of consent and in relation to the legitimate interests of the seller. 3. The data collector (ADO) collects and processes personal data only to the extent justified by a contractual or legal obligation. 4. The buyer`s consent to the processing of personal data is voluntary and consent to the processing of data for a specific purpose can be revoked at any time. 5. For the purposes of the buyer`s order, the following personal data is collected: a. postal address – necessary for the issuance of proof of purchase;b. Place of delivery – required to address the package;c. E-mail – required for communication related to order processing;d. Phone number – required for some types of delivery6.

Detailed solutions for the protection of personal data in connection with the placing of an order, but also the use of the shop before and after the order are contained in the privacy policy. 1. Nothing in the rules is intended to violate the rights of the buyer. It cannot be interpreted in this way, because in case of non-compliance of any part of the regulation with the applicable law, the seller declares the absolute conformity and application of this law instead of the disputed provision of the regulation. 2. Registered buyers will be notified by email of changes to the Terms and their scope (the email address provided when registering or ordering). The notification shall be made at least 30 days before the entry into force of the new rules. The amendments are introduced in order to adapt the rules to the current legal status.

3. The current version of the Regulations is still available under the Regulations tab ( ). During the processing of the order and throughout the period of support of the buyer, the regulations accepted by him at the time of the order apply. Unless the consumer finds it less favorable than the current ones and informs the seller of the choice of current – as binding. 4. For matters not covered by this Regulation, the applicable legal provisions shall apply. Contentious issues, if the consumer expresses such a will, will be resolved by mediation prior to provincial trade inspection inspections or by arbitration at provincial trade inspection inspections. The consumer may also use equivalent and legal methods of pre-litigation or out-of-court dispute resolution, for example through the EU ODR online platform or by selecting an authorised body from the entities listed in the UOKiK register.