Ua Law Syllabus

Each program of study must fully disclose the faculty member`s expectations and requirements for students enrolled in the course and must include: Any changes to program content must be made in writing and distributed to students enrolled in the course in a timely manner. No later than the first day of a scheduled law degree, the assigned faculty member provides a comprehensive program to each student enrolled in the course. The program may be posted on the Law School website, on the course website, or made available to students in print form on the first day of class. Each semester, the program creates a list of electives that count towards the minor. These include, but are not limited to, the following list. Consult the Institute of Sociology for more details. This course examines legal procedures and procedures in our civil and criminal justice systems. The Constitution and People of Color SCA-UA 366 4 points. Research Methods SOC-UA 301 Offered every semester. 4 points Examines the different methods used in sociological analysis. Some of the methods covered include survey design and analysis, discrete measurements, historical sociology, interviews, content analysis, and participatory observation. Introduction to quantitative data processing methods. Deviance and social control LWSOC-UA 502 identical to SOC-UA 502.

4 points. Law and company LWSOC-UA 1.002 Same as SOC-UA 413. Offered once a year, usually in the spring. 4 points. Sociological perspectives on law and legal institutions: meaning and complexity of legal issues; the relationship between law and social change; the effects of the law; Law enforcement to overcome social disadvantage. Topics include: “Limits of Law”, Litigation and Courts, Regulation, Comparative Law, Legal Education, Organization of Legal Work and Lawyers` Careers. This course teaches Master of Legal Studies students how to find legal authorities relevant to legal issues. how to analyze a legal problem based on facts and laws; and how to communicate legal analysis in a logical and concise manner. Journalistic Ethics and First Amendment Law DAY-UA 502 4 points.

The American Common Law System I is one of two courses that teach what distinguishes the common law approach as a legal methodology and as a reflection and commentary on the history and politics of the American experience from the early colonial period to the 21st century world. Each student must attend at least one seminar as a prerequisite for graduation. (Self-study does not meet the seminary requirement.) Each student must successfully complete at least six credit hours in designated experiential courses. These courses are chosen by the student. Course listings from the Law School Records Office indicate which classes are qualified. A curriculum is “a concise presentation of the main points of a curriculum or subject.” Law and Company LWSOC-UA 1.001 Same as POL-UA 335. Offered once a year, usually in autumn. 4 points. How the law and a number of legal institutions embody and constitute political, cultural, economic and social forces. Examines the relationship between law and the civil rights movement, the women`s movement, and the labor and environmental movement. Focus on law as a political process and practice, remedies against racial and gender discrimination, and class actions. Deals with rights politics, social policy and the limits and possibilities of law as a process of social change.

Self-study LWSOC-UA 997, 998 Offered each semester. 4 points per semester. The University of Alabama School of Law program offers students the opportunity to study in both traditional and emerging areas of law. Complemented by rich clinical, advocacy, and experiential offerings, students can study both the theory and practice of law. With over 100 elective courses, students benefit from the breadth and depth of study as they develop their understanding of law, equipped with a solid knowledge base and significant analytical skills. Course descriptions and prerequisites can be found in the appropriate department sections of this bulletin. Administrative Law Policy POL-UA 354 4 points. Global Environmental Policy ENVST-UA 445 4 points. Sociology of law LWSOC-UA 417 identical to SOC-UA 417.

4 points. This policy is consistent with the UA Little Rock Program Policy, which is now included in Policy 404.8 on Program Programs, Office Hours, and Regular and Functional Contacts, which was adopted on January 19, 2018. The law school is exempt from UA Little Rock`s current credit hours policy (404.11). In addition, the seminars offered by the Faculty of Law are not one-time courses within the meaning of Directive 404.8. Human Rights and Anthropology ANTH-UA 326 4 points. Seminar on Islamic Law and Society MEIS-UA 780 4 points. Jewish law in the face of modernity HBRJD-UA 845 4 points. By and large, public law deals with the organization of government and the relationship between government and its citizens.